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Join MAE
Membership Benefits
MAE is an affiliate of the American Association of Electrologists (AEA). When you join MAE, you also become a member of AEA.
Continuing Education
Assisting in fulfilling the requirement of 10 hours (1.0 CEUs) of continuing education for relicensure every two years in Massachusetts and can also be used towards CPE renewal.
MAE offers 2 evening meetings with speakers for .2 CEUS and two Seminars annually at .5 CEUS each. We are currently offering .5 CEU seminars via ZOOM so participants can obtain CEUs from the comfort of their home.

Be listed on the MAE Website and AEA Website.
Gain State and national exposure.
Be one of our electrologists receiving referrals from their listing on the site.
Massachusetts -www.electrologyma.com
American Association of Electrology www.electrology.com

Network with your peers.
Whether it be an evening meeting or an all day seminar, some of the best business information is shared by colleagues.
"We are a very small industry, this is a great opportunity to "talk shop".
Currently, if you join MAE, the cost of the Seminars is half the fee.
State Representation
Collectively our voices will be heard. Having an MAE representative present at monthly state board meetings ensures proper representation for the needs and interests of our industry. Our board representative has fought for the use of Laser in the office and continues to attend state meetings looking out for our best interests. Members have an opportunity to voice their concerns at our meetings to be addressed at the State level.
Stay Current
Articles, publications, etc. distributed by both MAE and AEA .Professional development at its best. When an electrologist needs information, it is the Association that they contact.
Receive monthly MAE newsletters
MAE sends out at least one E-letter a month with information about upcoming meetings and events, current issues, changes in our rules and regulations or laws, and any information an electrologist needs to know to stay current.
All members are presented with a membership certificate that can be framed and displayed in your practice.
State Representation at the national level.
An MAE representative is present and brings a voice to the AEA Board of Directors meetings .
When you need support or assistance, MAE is here for our members.
Supporting MAE with your membership supports the profession at large and your practice in particular.
Through regular, on-going education, online e-letter, printed support materials, an association website directing consumers in your area to you and providing a professional forum designed for you and your needs, MAE membership is the best money you can spend.
Join our growing ranks and participate in your chosen field!
For further MAE association information, please contact:
Membership - Louise Devin
Email Telephone 781-769-6063
AEA Electrology World - Membership News publication published three times a year. Here you can find a job, promotional materials for your business, products and services;
A Nationwide directory of Electrologists at your fingertips on AEA website.
Earn CEUs from the comfort of your home.
AEA Journal of Electrolysis (JOE) - articles that can be used for obtaining CEUs while gaining knowledge pertinent to our profession.
The Annual AEA Convention - a great opportunity to learn from speakers, equipment suppliers and your colleagues.